Invisible Helpers

Bacteria/Microbiomes, speculative design

~ Ruby Cardozo

Everyday, every second, humans interact with the microbial world– our bodies are contain trillions of bacteria. However, the average person is unaware of just how certain invisible entities participate in their lives. 

The following project consists of two speculative designs. These products are interfaces between a human user and microscopic bodies. They intend to demonstrate some possibilities of how humans can tune in to, and collaborate with, the beneficial or harmful bacteria they encounter. 

The first design demonstrates how bacteria can be engineered to assist a human user It is an athletic shoe that « takes care » of the athlete using synthetic bacteria that releases anti-inflammatoires and probiotics as the activity intensifies. The second design is a form of pedagogy, it actively informs the user about the changing bacteria in their body and suggests a specialized nutrition.
How could these interfaces shift our perspective of microscopic ecosystems? In other words, could wearables that make the invisible visible shift the culture to value and be more informed about bacteria?