Technology meets art expression and creativity. Integrated Digital Media is having end of year showcases for student projects from various classes open to the public.
Senior Project Showcase
Showcase starts December 9th 4 – 6pm
Located in 370 Jay street 3rd floor lobby
Exhibition on display from December 9th – 13th
Projects by
Allen Lu
Aj Raponi
Lenay Demetrious
Alexander Bauman
Amira Dhanoa
Rebecca Chang
Maria Rojas
Snacks and drinks will be provided.

IDM Thesis Presentations + Exhibition
Presentations + Exhibition December 16th 2 – 8pm
Located in 370 Jay street 3rd floor room 325
Thesis by
Dhruv Avdhesh
Qiushi Lin
Yuhan Liu
Arushi Malhotra
Deirdre McGrath
Steven Medina
Yueting Ni
Diego Pinna
Flora Richter
Moeezo Saleem
Luna Wang
Jingyuan Xu
Tao Zhang
Xuerun Zhang

Fall Film Fest
Film showings on December 18th from 6 – 9pm
Located in 370 Jay room 325
Showings from IDM classes:
Documentary Cinema
Narrative Cinema
& Motion Graphics
Food and popcorn will be provided.