Kat Sullivan Starts Motion Capture Club @ NYU IDM

In order to make Motion Capture more accessible to students at NYU Kat Sullivan, Visiting Industry Assistant Professor @ IDM, created a motion capture club!

The Club aims to offer Tandon and ITP/IMA students a way to get involved with the motion capture space, to open up the black box, encourage more inter-departmental collaboration, and maybe have some fun.

The trainings are happening in Fall 2019 every Friday at 11am in the 2 Metrotech Black Box, room 822 until Nov 22nd.

The first meeting introduced students to calibrating, wanding, and setting the ground plane so the motion capture cameras can look for and track sensors in the space. The students also got to see rigid bodies in action in the space and used the rigid bodies as a camera directly in Unreal Engine.

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