പൊണ്ണത്തടിക്ക് keto diet നല്ലതാണോ ? Dr. Pathmakumar Speaks Out! KetoDietDebate ObesityManagement [ihx6nBMW0jr]

Watch as Ms Premna poses a critical question: "Is the keto diet beneficial for combating obesity?" Dr. Pathmakumar responds with compelling medical insights, explaining why the keto diet might not be the best approach. Tune in for a thought-provoking perspective that challenges popular diet trends, backed by medical expertise. Don't miss out on this informative session, and remember to hit the like and subscribe button for more health revelations! #KetoDietDebate #ObesityManagement #DrPathmakumar #MedicalAdvice #DietTrends #HealthAwareness #NutritionInsight #ExpertOpinion #HealthAndWellness #Subscribe Now #alex jones diet pills #thermo keto acv plus gummies #is keto acv gummies a scam #rebel keto gummies