How Should You Take Melatonin for Sleep? [iOE4JkwKw-v]

Visit subscribe to the BrainSPORT Podcast and access exclusive content unavailable elsewhere. In this clip of the UCLA BrainSPORT Podcast Sleep, Downstate, and Recovery episode, Adel and Dr. Sara Mednick discuss melatonin supplementation and how you should take it for your sleep. Dr. Sara Mednick is a PhD sleep and cognitive neuroscientist at the University of California Irvine and the author of a new book, The Power of the Downsate, which discusses actionable ways to optimize sleep and recovery, and why this is so important to overall health and wellness. Listen to this episode of the UCLA BrainSPORT Podcast: Follow us on social media! Instagram: @adel.neuro X: @Ahdelneuro #160 mg cbd gummies #biohead cbd gummies #cbd gummy vancouver