Carbs vs Fats for Fat Loss? | Dr Mike Israetel Shorts [bc2Xpf2W2sJ]

In this video, Dr. Mike Israetel dives into the science of managing fats and carbs for optimal fat loss. He explains how balancing these macronutrients, not cutting them out, plays a key role in achieving sustainable fat loss. Dr. Israetel offers practical tips on how to structure your diet around fats and carbs without compromising energy levels, performance, or long-term results. If you’ve been confused about how to approach fats and carbs while losing fat, this video gives you the clarity you need to make smarter nutrition choices! #FatLoss #CarbManagement #DrMikeIsraetel #NutritionTips #FatLossJourney #HealthyEating #Macronutrients #FitnessScience #WeightLossTips #SustainableDiet credit - chris williamson mike israetel fat loss podcast #best non caffeine diet pills #keto biology keto acv gummies #what are diet pills called #best proven diet pills