I lost 15lbs in 3 weeks on Keto Diet | Fitness Journey [Tw4hKU7he_7]

☾ WATCH IN HD, LIKE & SUBSCRIBE ♡ Become a BEST FRANNNN & Subscribe!! Hey Best Frannsss, I tried to be as detailed and as accurate as possible when it came to the info i gave you guys in this video. If you have any further questions feel free to DM me on IG @TheTellyD.n I hope you guys enjoyed the video. Stay Beautiful. -Telly Family Vlog Channel: ☯ Interact W I T H M E My Social Media ☯ ☮ Instagram → @ instagram.com/TheTellyD ☮ Snapchat → @ TellaGlam ☮ Facebook → @ fb.me/TheTellyD ☮ Twitter → @TheTellyD Full Coverage Foundation Routine: Hair Loss: • B U S I N E S S • Email: [email protected] Subject: TellyD! FTC: ☀ Sponsored or Not all videos reflect my honest opinion! • B E H I N D T H E L E N S E S• Sony A5100: Ringlight: Final Cut Pro X PIC Monkey 'B A S I C ISH' REAL NAME: Shauntel NICKNAME: Telly D LOCATION: North Carolina BIRTHDAY: 09/27/1988 LICENSED: YES GURL!! MAC SHADE: NC50 #keto gummies for diet #is keto luxe acv safe