Every Weed Type Explained And Ranked [B2oJcyq3ajz]

Today we'll be going over every relevant type of weed from low percentage THC flower, mid % thc flower, high % thc flower, hash, concentrates, infused flowers and finally edibles. Why I'm making this video is because I couldn't really find anything on this topic and I've noticed a lot of my viewers misunderstand the green plant. Not all weed is medical in fact most of it isn't and I'd say about 90% of people who think they're "medical" users are really just recreational abusers. Hopefully by the end of this video you'll have a better understanding of what cannabis actually does to us and clear up some of the major misconceptions about the benefits of marijuana. #dolly partons cbd gummies #platinumx cbd gummies #cbd gummies staten island #super cbd gummies reviews